Smoke Alarm Locations

Right Alarm - Right Location

Know the type of alarm your home needs and follow installation guidelines.

More Alarm Info
Fire Sprinkler Information

Fire Sprinklers Save Lives

Slow the spread of fire and smoke, give your family more time to escape.

More Fire Sprinkler Info
Fire Drill Preparation

Fire Drill Plans and Prep

Create a plan, draw it out, and practice twice a year.

More Planning Info
Risk Reduction

See a Problem - Take Action!

Risk is all around us. See a problem, help resolve it.

More Risk Reduction Info

Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm FAQs

If you have sources of carbon monoxide, often through an attached garage, fireplace or gas-fueled appliances, you should have an operational alarm in your home. Common sources for carbon monoxide include: furnaces, boilers, gas stoves, gas ovens, gas and wood fireplaces, water heaters, clothes dryers, wood stoves, power generators, motor vehicles, power tools, lawn equipment, and tobacco smoke.

Sources of and Cluse to a Possible Carbon Monoxide Problem

Carbon monoxide alarms should be installed in a central location, outside sleeping areas and on every level of the home. Follow manufacture’s guidelines for placement and mounting height.

Carbon monoxide alarms can be rated for 5, 7, or 10 years, depending on the manufacture. Follow manufacture’s guidelines but when in doubt, replace the alarm.

Date of manufacture can be found on the back of your alarm. If the date is missing or unreadable, replace the alarm.

Test carbon monoxide alarms at least once a month. Replace alarms as earlier noted.

Check for low batteries and replace if needed. If it continues, calls your fire department.

Carbon monoxide alarms can be purchased at various local retailers. If you have questions or are unable to procure carbon monoxide alarms, contact us.

  • SC State Fire
  • SC State Firefighter's Association
  • SC Fire Chiefs Association
  • South Carolina International Association of Arson Investigators
  • SC Fire Marshals Association
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